Photo taken by Erica Sorenson
I can't believe that our "expected arrival date" is merely 6 weeks away. Where has the time gone? I literally feel like I was just standing in my bathroom staring at my home pregnancy test thinking, "Am I just feeling funny, or do I see two lines?" Part of me is so anxious to finally meet Avery, and part of me wants to keep being pregnant. Now, the not being able to sleep, eat properly, or climb stairs I will NOT miss. However, I will miss the intimate time I have with her now. I am the only one feeling all of her kicks and hiccups, and she is always with me - wherever I go. My mind continues to be blown away that she can develop so much in just 9 short months! Seriously, y'all! I will be holding her in just a month and a half - how is that even possible?! I am going to cherish every moment of these next six weeks, as I know they will fly by. I love you, sweet Avery!
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