My dear father-in-law used a program titled Raising A Modern-Day Knight as he guided his three boys through their journeys to becoming a man. Not only was this one of the greatest gifts he could give as a father, but I am forever thankful that I now have the privilege to be married to a knight. The author of this program (Robert Lewis) states that each man should be grounded in four principles: 1. Reject passivity 2. Accept responsibility 3. Lead courageously 4. Expect the greater reward. Throughout the past eight years that I have known Ivan, these principles have only continued to become more apparent. I love the way he challenges me spiritually and leads our lives to glorify the Lord under any circumstance!
In addition to the principles, a knight accepts the code of conduct: 1. A will to obey 2. A work to do 3. A woman to love. I am so abundantly blessed to be his woman to love! I cannot even describe the life experiences, challenges, leaps of faith, and moments of bliss I have encountered the last four years of being married to my knight! Each day is so exciting, because I am not certain what the next may hold. The only thing I am certain of is that it will include my husband and our will to obey! Ivan, thank you for never ceasing to trust our Lord and Savior with EVERY aspect of life. Thank you for continuing to lead our family by accepting your code of conduct and being grounded in your manhood principles. Thank you for being my best friend, partner in Christ, and my KNIGHT! I love you so much!!! Four years already...I can't wait for 44!!! :)

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